07 / 12 / 2020
Inventor aids the fight against the pandemic
Donation to the AHEPA General Hospital
In order to contribute in the demanding struggle against the pandemic and with the notion that more companies will continue the effort in any way they can to fight COVID-19, so that soon enough we can all be safe and healthy along with our beloved!, Inventor actively supports the medical staff of AHEPA hospital in Thessaloniki, which struggles day and night to ensure the well-being of our fellow citizens suffering from COVID-19.
Wishing to actively protect the medical staff members of the AHEPA General Hospital in Thessaloniki, who face hundreds of COVID-19 incidents per day, masks of FFP2 and FFP3 filter type were donated, certified by the European Union to protect the user against the inhalation of pollutant factors in the form of aerosols, droplets or small solid particles.
With their relevant letter, the Ministry of Health and the Minister of Health, Vasileios Kikilias, thanked Inventor for its significant contribution, in the framework of this critical period for the country given the need for additional medical equipment to fight against the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19.
Committed to its human-centric policies, Inventor supports our fellow citizens’ privilege for a better life quality, either through its products whose role is to upgrade the conditions in people’s homes, or through sponsorship programs contextually adjusted to the living needs.